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Save Money/Choose Wisely
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Here are 4 ways to save on your prescriptions:

  1. Ask for generics first. Generics are pharmaceutically and therapeutically equivalent to brand-name drugs, and can cost up to 80% less.
  2. Remember the preferred drug list. If a generic drug isn’t available, ask your doctor to prescribe a drug on your plan’s preferred drug list, if appropriate. You will pay more for a brand-name medication not on the preferred list. Go to to see the preferred drug list.
  3. Order 90-day supplies of maintenance medications to save money. Visit a Caremark Retail-Plus Pharmacy or use the Caremark Pharmacy for mail service. You will pay the same coinsurance either way. Remember, if you fill maintenance prescriptions at a traditional network pharmacy, you will pay more for your medication after the first purchase.
  4. Fill short-term prescriptions (up to a 31-day supply) at a Caremark retail network pharmacy. You will generally pay more for short-term prescriptions filled outside the Caremark retail network.

Find and compare costs
The Check Drug Costs tool lets you know how much you will pay based on your benefit plan and your prescription dosage. To use the tool, go to and click on the “Quick Access Caremark” link on the home page.


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